Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Terima kasih atas segala aplikasi yang masuk dan semua yang akan membagi ruangnya dalam performance Art di PAMAFest 2011 ini .

This festival is open to all artists who want to join in this festival and  has similar thoughts on the theme.

Call For Participants
Dear artist,

Please, send your CV + photos of your performances [attachment files] and address(es) of your website or blog to :
Dead Line: 2011,September 10*all about  the condition will be share on  email*

The theme in Pamafest 2011 is'Space' and  the performance locations in Idea Circuit, an alternative art space in Malang City. In Every space in Circuit idea will be a location for performance. with additional facilities that we provide such as lightings, projectors, LCD / in-focus, screen, DVD / CD player, speakers, microphones.

This event does not cover  fees, transportasi / travel artists and material. Only meals and local transportations